1. Download the ShowsManager App by searching for ShowsManager (1 word) on the App stores


    Get it on Google Play



    Get it on the App Store



  2. Once downloaded you can log into your ShowsHappening account using your login, alternatively you can ask someone else to register and then add them as a user (see below).

  3. Log into the shows happening app

  4. If the promoter is using his log in details the event will automatically be linked onto his account, where as if the promoter is assigning someone else to scan the event they need to give access to the person/s scanning as a ticket scanner from https://www.showshappening.com/ to start scanning tickets

  5. Once logged in you will be directed to the Events Page. This will show blank until events have been assigned to your account

If you are seeing a blank screen it means you have not published your event, or you have not been added to an event yet.

If you are seeing a blank screen it means you have not published your event, or you have not been added to an event yet.

Once you have access to an event it will be show up on your Events Page

Once you have access to an event it will be show up on your Events Page

  1. On the app there are also another 2 tabs at the bottom of the page

Dashboard to check how many tickets have been scanned in and how many tickets are left to be scanned. This will show blank when no events are assigned on your account.


Profile shows you


  1. Once an event is assigned to you account you would be able to see it on the events tab (1st one)
  2. If more than one event is assigned to your account you would need to select the event accordingly


  1. Once the event is selected you would need to click on proceed

It’s possible that an event will run for more than 1 day or different time slots. You would need to select the date and time accordingly


  1. You will automatically be diverted to the camera option on the app, here you can choose 2 options to scan via camera or scan via laser (available only on the Shows Happening scanners)



  1. On the bottom of this page there is also the option to search for a ticket and manually close the ticket (this is not recommended as there could be a duplicate name under someone else)
  2. Click on search and start typing the clients name. For the function to work you would need a minimum of 3 characters