ShowsHappening is committed to maintaining the security of its information systems and assets. This policy outlines the measures to be taken to identify and address vulnerabilities in the company's systems and assets.

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and third-party vendors who have access to ShowsHappening's information systems and assets.

ShowsHappening will conduct periodic vulnerability scans on its information systems and assets to identify potential vulnerabilities. These scans will be performed by the IT department or a third-party vendor.

ShowsHappening will conduct a risk assessment to evaluate the likelihood and impact of potential security breaches. This assessment will be used to determine the appropriate security measures to be implemented.

Anti Virus and Malware protection

All company laptops must make use of endpoints protection against viruses and other malware

All company and non company laptops must use endpoint protection against viruses and other malware before connecting to any ShowsHappening laptop

ShowsHappening main email accounts are based upon GMAIL suite, where all outbound and inbound emails are scanned for any malware

All files receives on any of ShowsHappening laptops should be scanned for viruses and malware before being used

Each virus found that is not immediately cleaned by the anti virus software must be immediately reported to ShowsHappening

ShowsHappening will have an incident response plan in place to manage security incidents and data breaches. The plan will include procedures for reporting incidents, containing and mitigating the impact of incidents, and notifying affected parties.

Patch Management

All ShowsHappening laptop should maintain an auto update on their Operating system which downloads any patches which address security risks

Once vulnerabilities are identified, ShowsHappening will prioritize them based on severity and will apply appropriate patches to address the vulnerabilities. The IT department will be responsible for ensuring that patches are applied promptly and effectively.

All ShowsHappening website infrastructure that is based on Azure have an auto update patch management devises by Azure. Azure Patch Management policy is being shown underneath

App Service is a Platform-as-a-Service, which means that the OS and application stack are managed for you by Azure; you only manage your application and its data. More control over the OS and application stack is available for you inĀ Azure Virtual Machines. With that in mind, it is nevertheless helpful for you as an App Service user to know more information, such as: