It is very important that if anything ever happens that we act quickly and methodically in order to Detect, Contain, Eradicate and Recover our data. We also have legal obligations if people’s Data is compromised.

  1. Preparation:

a. Appoint an Incident Response Team (IRT) consisting of at least one IT specialist, one management representative, and any other relevant personnel. b. Develop a communication plan to ensure timely notification of relevant personnel in case of an incident. c. Backup all important data and store it in a secure location. d. Develop and test incident response procedures, including how to isolate and contain a breach and how to recover from it. e. Educate all employees on incident response procedures and provide them with contact information for the IRT.

  1. Detection:

a. Monitor network and system logs for any abnormal activity. b. Conduct regular security assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities. c. Encourage employees to report any suspicious activity or incidents immediately. d. If necessary contact the relevant authorities, such as law enforcement or regulatory bodies.

  1. Containment:

a. Isolate the affected system or network to prevent further damage. b. Secure backup data and ensure it is not affected by the incident. c. Identify the scope and nature of the incident.

  1. Eradication:

a. Determine the source and cause of the incident. b. Implement corrective measures to eliminate the vulnerability or threat that caused the incident. c. Ensure all affected systems and data are free of malware or other harmful code.

  1. Recovery:

a. Restore any affected systems or data from backups. b. Verify the integrity and availability of restored data and systems. c. Implement any necessary improvements or enhancements to prevent similar incidents in the future.

  1. Reporting:

a. Report the incident to relevant authorities, such as law enforcement or regulatory bodies. b. Document the incident, including the nature of the incident, the extent of the damage, and the response taken. c. Provide a summary report to management and all affected parties, as appropriate.