Physical Security Policy for ShowsHappening

  1. Overview ShowsHappening is committed to ensuring the physical security of its premises, employees, and assets. This policy outlines the measures to be taken to protect ShowsHappening's physical assets and mitigate the risk of unauthorized access, theft, damage, or loss.
  2. Scope This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and visitors to ShowsHappening's premises.
  3. Physical Security Procedures 3.1 Access Control Access to ShowsHappening's premises will be restricted to authorized personnel based on the principle of least privilege. Access control mechanisms, such as locks, keycards, or biometric authentication, will be used to ensure that only authorized personnel can access ShowsHappening's premises.

3.2 Visitor Management ShowsHappening will implement a visitor management system to ensure that all visitors to its premises are identified, authorized, and monitored. Visitors must sign in and out of the premises and be escorted by an authorized employee at all times.

3.3 Physical Security Controls ShowsHappening will implement physical security controls to protect its premises and assets from theft, damage, or unauthorized access. These controls may include:

3.4 Equipment Security ShowsHappening will ensure that its equipment, including laptops, desktops, and mobile devices, are secured when not in use. Employees must lock their computers when they are away from their desks and ensure that portable devices are kept in a secure location when not in use.

3.5 Asset Management ShowsHappening will maintain an inventory of its physical assets and ensure that they are tagged and tracked. All assets must be properly stored, maintained, and disposed of when no longer needed.

  1. Compliance ShowsHappening is committed to complying with all relevant regulations, laws, and standards. This policy will be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure that it complies with any changes in regulations or industry standards.
  2. Policy Enforcement Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Any suspected violations of this policy should be reported to the employee's manager or the Chief Security Officer (CSO).
  3. Policy Review This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure that it is still relevant and effective. Any changes to this policy must be approved by the CSO or their delegate.


[Your Name] Chief Security Officer, ShowsHappening