If you are planning to sell tickets for an event in Malta you will need to apply for a VAT Permit Number which is unique identifier (XXX/YR) that is used to identify businesses that are registered for VAT (value-added tax) and use a digital system for distributing tickets like ShowsHappening.

To obtain a VAT permit number, you will need to register for VAT with the Maltese VAT Department, which you may already have. And then email [email protected] at the VAT department with the following details to apply for a Permit Number:

Email to: [email protected]

Event title: ___

Expected Number of Tickets: ___ (550)

Dates & Time: ____

Venue Name & Address: ____

Ticket prices: ___ , ___ , ___ (eg VIP - 100: €50, Entry - 400 : €25, Children - 50: €15)

Your Vat Number: ____

Ticket Platform: ShowsHappening, MT2125-0637

Platform Exemption Number: EXO2426

Once you have submitted your VAT registration form, the VAT Department will review your application and may request additional information if necessary. If your application is approved, you will be issued a VAT permit number which will be sent to you by email.

You are able to securely submit your sales report directly to the VAT office using our platform. Go on show tools, click on tax report and click send. You are obliged to do this within 14 days of the event.

It is important to note that businesses that are registered for VAT in Malta are required to comply with various VAT regulations, such as collecting and remitting VAT on their sales. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in penalties and fines.

If you have any questions or need assistance with obtaining a VAT permit number in Malta, you can contact the VAT Department for guidance and support.