1. Overview ShowsHappening recognizes the importance of protecting its sensitive information, systems, and assets. This policy outlines the measures to be taken to ensure that the company's information and assets are protected from unauthorized access, theft, modification, and destruction.
  2. Scope This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and third-party vendors who have access to ShowsHappening’s information systems and assets.
  3. Information Security Procedures

3.1 Risk Assessment ShowsHappening will conduct periodic risk assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities and threats to its information systems and assets. This assessment will include an evaluation of the likelihood and impact of a security breach and will be used to develop and implement appropriate security measures.

3.2 Data Classification All data will be classified according to its sensitivity level. Employees will be responsible for ensuring that they handle and protect information based on its classification. This includes confidential, personal, and proprietary information.

3.3 Access Control Access to company systems and assets will be granted on a need-to-know basis. All access requests must be authorized by a director.

3.4 User Awareness All employees will receive training on information security and data protection policies and procedures. Training will be conducted periodically to ensure that employees remain aware of their responsibilities and the potential risks to the company.

3.5 Incident Response ShowsHappening will have an incident response plan in place to manage security incidents and data breaches. The plan will include procedures for reporting incidents, containing and mitigating the impact of incidents, and notifying affected parties.

3.6 Physical Security Physical security measures will be implemented to protect the company's assets, including servers, laptops, and other electronic devices. Access to company facilities will be restricted to authorized personnel only.

3.7 Password Management All passwords must be managed securely, and users must not share their passwords with anyone.

3.8 Compliance ShowsHappening is committed to complying with all relevant regulations, laws, and standards. This policy will be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure that it complies with any changes in regulations or industry standards.